10 x 10 meters (EST) action
7. October 2012
/ – Performance Compost
Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki
„Human Forestry“ is a political statement and a critical act, but
also a real life exposure of exploitation and instrumentalization of
human labor and natural resources in the context of relations between
the Western and the Eastern Europe. Although we, the Estonian artists
of 10x10m, have been working without salary on this performance, the
statement is not only focused on the matters of contemporary art
system. We are loyal to the organizers of Performance Compost in
Kiasma and thankful for the invitation. Our statement advocates
racialized and exploited East European labor in the West, pointing at
the problematics of Estonian immigrants working in Finland.
The triumph of the Western global capitalism has created the
situation where officially 30 000 and inofficially around
100 000 Estonian immigrants are working in Finland, typically
for lower wages than the local workers, leaving their lives, homes
and families behind, to the East European country with growing
poverty and social catastrophy. Although it started much earlier than
in 2004, it is part of the European Union enlargement agenda.
According to Austrian journalist Hannes Hofbauer, long before
the creation of juridical framework for EU enlargement, the former
Soviet lands created three pilars of transformation that would
correspond to the logic of the capital: a) hyperinflation and shock
therapy; b) creation of the market by renewing the „stagnant“
society and creating new labor market for the Western capital; c)
reforms and privatizaion. The hypothetical freedom that the
Eastern European countries achieved after the collapse of Berlin Wall
in 1989, quickly turned the sensitive post-communist East European
landscape into cowboy-capitalist battlefield, preparing space for the
Western capital to land, on the expenses of local human lives and
Before we start talking about self-colonization in East European
countries and searching for the hidden capitalist spirit inside
Soviet communism, that, according to the Western leftist thought, was
a failure, we should keep looking at the propaganda mechanisms by
which the Western capital exposed itself during the Cold War era. The
creation of East European nation states was the necessary input to
switch into the machine of global capital and global culture. A
typical political coctail in Eastern Europe is nowadays neoliberal
politics that go hand in hand with nationalist conservatism. The
latter works as a formalist justification and pain killer to cover
the bitter truth that East European nation states are masks for
global capitalism. Their whole set up – the educational system and
mainstream culture included – works as farm of cheap human labor.
It is a known fact that East European immigration has it`s economic
influence to the Western labor market and social welfare in general.
For example, in the case of United Kingdom it is known fact that the
East European invasion was high in the same time, when unemployment
was increasing. The main reason for this flow is that East Europeans
are more willing to do “dirty, difficult and dangerous” jobs for
lower wages than the locals would get. The similar thing is going on
in Finland, where Estonian construction workers have become almost
like a trade mark. The will of East Europeans to do „dirty,
difficult and dangerous work“ for lower income cannot be reduced to
subjectivities or Protestant work ethics or experience of Soviet
communism, as well as it cannot be reduced to the backwardness,
destructiveness and brutality of East Europeans. The only cause of
this self-destructive will is the social disaster, created by
neoliberal politics of East European nation states, surrendering the
dictatorship of free market and global capitalism. As a result, the
local life suffers – for example the health care system lacks of
quality, because of the migration of the medical workers. The entire
social system of the country is moving towards the model of the
United States. Such a model has been described by Achille Mbembe and
Marina Grzinic as necrocapitalism – a system that lets live those
who can socially survive on their own and makes die those who cannot.
The similarity of language and culture (whatever that means) has
united Finland and Estonia to a certain kind of kinship, which in
current situation unfortunately involves above mentioned perversity
and abuse. Because of today`s reality, it is becoming the dark side
of the hypothetical Finno-Ugric culture and this should make us
re-think such cultural relations and constructions from the colonial
and neo-colonial perspectives. Similar abusive kinship is going on
between Romania and Italy – there is similarity between languages
and a hypothetical cultural bridge, mainly meant for the Romanian
immigrants to be mistreated and underpaid in Italy. As in that case,
the difference between Finland and Estonia has sociogenetic origin –
the difference is racial, and it occurs typically in neo-colonial
relations between the East and the West, but more specifically,
between the Baltic region and the Nordic countries, such as Finland
and Sweden. Although the borders within the EU are meant to be
dissolved, the East considered to be the former East, and the West
considered to be the former West, it is still evident that the
borders exist. These are invisible borders between people, based on
racist foundation of labor.
The dream of freedom – the freedom to live and work wherever you
like has turned out to be the freedom to live in terrible conditions
and work for lower wages that in Estonian context means good income,
and to be separated from your home and family, that are left to the
other side of the Gulf of Finland. The subjective freedom is an
institution, part of a huge exchange machine that is best displayed
in the traffic on the Gulf of Finland – since the end of the 80s
there has been the „cultural bridge“ with input of Finnish
alcohol tourists and consumers for Estonian prostitution, and output
of Estonian immigrant workers, happy to form the new Estonian middle
class by being underpaid in the West. Because of the benefit that the
Western countries get from cheap East European labor, the poor
conditions in the East form the necessary soil for successful
harvest. Therefore Estonian poverty as the cause of massive
immigration can be seen as the natural resource of Finland, and in
that case the Gulf of Finland can be seen as a contemporary version
of the Middle Passage.
There is an African proverb: „He who doesn`t know where he came
from, doesn`t know where he is going“. The official policy of East
European countries keeps the Soviet period in the status of trauma
and rupture, a blank space between two capitalisms – pre-Soviet and
post-Soviet. The time inside the blank space is treated as a bad
dream, although the bigger part of lives of many active East
Europeans, including politicians, passed during that time. East
European identity politics has placed the trauma to the Soviet
period, which has juridical and ideological grounds, although the
traumatic moment was the fundamental ideological switch – „the
new system“, if you wish. The switch of ideology wasn`t only about
the political system or way of understanding things – ideology
rules the entire life, with it`s past, present and future, with it`s
organics and origin. According to many opinions coming from Eastern
Europe, in Soviet times people never felt themselves as a senseless
biopolitically instrumentalized mass as they feel now. Even in severe
cases of social injustice, there remained hope and understanding of
truth. But it was like that also in the Western society, during the
period before the outburst of global capitalism. Although the entire
world has changed, it is important for East Europeans to understand
where they come from and where they stand. For the Western countries
it is important to understand their post-colonial and neo-colonial
The performance „Human Forestry“ by 10x10m is dedicated to
Estonian immigrants working in Finland, but also to all other East
European workers in the West. The performance takes place in
Helsinki, Kiasma and includes the following: Estonian national
resources – timber and human labor – are transported over the
Gulf of Finland on the expenses of Estonian taxpayers. The timber –
a huge pile of logs – will be located to a gallery space in Kiasma,
by using physical work of four people. Kiasma as the hosting
institution for this event is free to interpret, use or archive the
embodiment of Estonian labor. Current statement is addressed to
Finnish and Estonian societies. Whoever agrees with us and wants to
contribute, is welcome to help us roll the logs in Kiasma at 3 PM,
7-th of October 2012.